The idea for establishing a formal Protective Behaviours Association is based on a desire to preserve the integrity and authenticity of the process initially introduced in the 1970s in Wisconsin, USA and then developed further by Donna Fortin and Di Margetts.
The Protective Behaviours Association commits to:
- preserve the integrity of the Protective Behaviours process as described by Peg Flandreau West and developed by Donna Fortin and Di Margetts
- maintain a high standard of professional conduct consistent with the Protective Behaviours process
- promote and encourage the development of training in Protective Behaviours to a range of agencies
- promote, encourage and facilitate the education and development of Protective Behaviours trainers
- promote consistency in training, through moderation activities, meetings and observations throughout the Association, sharing good practice and identifying areas for development.
- support professional discussions in line with Protective Behaviours Theme 2: ‘We can talk with someone about anything, even if it feels awful or small’, among all members of the Association
- promote safe relationships with other societies or international bodies capable of assisting in the development of the objects of the Association
- undertake research in and promote knowledge of Protective Behaviours and its applications through a range of means, including contributing to publications and maintaining an archive
Every member of the Association signs up to these objects.
If you are interesting in joining, please visit the Membership page.