Having heard friends mention a programme on BBC last week which was a recap of the outcomes of the Serious Case Review about “Baby P”, I have been thinking how the outcomes for some children in high profile cases might have been different had the professionals involved with their families known and used the Protective Behaviours process.
I wonder if a professional trained in PBs would use their Early Warning Signs when presented with parental “disguised compliance”?.... Using the strategies of Persistence, Protective Interruption and Risking on Purpose definitely could perhaps support professionals to intervene sooner. Ultimately, the two Themes as well – how many social workers, health visitors, GPs, police officers or teachers might take different action with the two themes running through their thoughts, while mindful of the Unwritten Rules and how to navigate round them so they won't cloud or inhibit safe judgements?.....
I think it feels great knowing PBs can provide a universal framework for helping people to feel safe while having fun. And amazing too to think it may even be the difference to a child between a Serious Case Review .... or a much safer place? It feels exciting, I think, to see Protective Behaviours training continuing to find its way into more schools, health sector teams and social care departments, giving so many professionals an opportunity to feel safer in decisions they are making for the children and families they are working with, and the chance for safer outcomes all round.