PBPeople Open Forum 206 topics

Welcome to our discussion forum dedicated to the Protective Behaviours community. We hope you find it a safe place to share your thoughts and raise any questions you may have regarding Protective Behaviours. The discussions are open to view, but to contribute you will need to create an account (a very quick and simple process). Please read the Forum Rules before making any posts.
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General 85 topics

A place for those passionate about Protective Behaviours to ask questions, meet like-minded people, and to discuss matters of the moment.
The Power of Awe
by Sally Ann Hart
12 Apr 2023 08:21

Resources 91 topics

A place to ask about or share resources that are consistent with the Protective Behaviours process
Kindness costs nothing.
by Sally Ann Hart
06 May 2023 15:24

Training 24 topics

Want some help finding local Protective Behaviours trainers? Have a question following training you have received? Running a course you'd like people to know about?
Re: On-Line Safety: Free Training
by Sally Ann Hart
14 Mar 2016 19:23

Suggestion Box 6 topics

Have some feedback and input to share? We'd love to hear your ideas on how we could make our site better and more user-friendly for our guests and members alike.
Re: New look to to the Trainers Di ...
by Ann Seal
02 Jan 2014 19:52