Hi there,
Having received a number of requests for another 4 day Specialist Practitioner course, Simon Sneath and I are facilitating another one early in 2014. Again, this will be held at the Holiday Inn in Corby. The training is spread over 4 days with a fortnight gap between days 1 and 2 & days 3 and 4 as this enables time for reflection and the development of resources to share with other attendees - things we both believe are essential in order to internalise the PB process and develop practitioner skills.
This course is open to anyone who has completed 2 day Foundation training. The total cost is £495 which inlcudes course materials, access to online follow-up resources including Donna Fortin's revised 'Living Safely for People with Special Needs', lunch and refreshments.
More details can be found and a booking form by following this link:
Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone who you think may also be interested.
Although places are limited, Simon and I are really looking forward to spending time with as many PB practitioners as possible