The Acrostic poem below was created during a Specialist Practitioner training course by a group in response to being asked to explain the PB strategies to an alien!
Persistence is a Strategy
Remember never give up until you feel Safe
Or your Early Warning Signs go away.
Think about using your Personal Network & Borrow someone if still feeling unsafe!
Excitement is different for Everyone
Challenge yourself to take Risks on Purpose
Try to respect other’s Choices
If we listen to Early Warning Signs, it will preserve us.
View Networks – are they up to date?
Emergency Networks are there to use
Borrowed Networks can work when needed
Everyone has the right to choose.
Having an extra person to look through
Actually helps us to see.
Very obvious difficulties –
It doesn’t matter what they might be.
Once the 2 Themes are Reinforced
Use them to embed
Rights and Responsibilities
Sometimes not clear in our head.
On occasion when we might feel at Risk
Removing ourselves is an option we can use.
Protective Interruptions can be made
Because feeling Safe is the thing to Choose J