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2021 Annual General Meeting

2021 Annual General Meeting


Thursday 10th June 2021 - 7:30-9:00pm

Dear PBPeople,‍


I hope you will be able to join us on Thursday 10th June 2021 for our first online AGM closely followed by a 'Talking PBs' General Meeting (more details below).


Part of the AGM will be to elect officers for our Council and I am therefore inviting members to confirm if they are willing to be nominated for the following roles:


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Trainers x2
  • Elder/Retired Trainer x1
  • Trainee Trainer x1
  • Specialist Practitioner x1

Ann Seal has been President to date and will be invited to take on the 2 year role of 'Immediate Past President' - I hope she will accept :)


If you would like to find out more about becoming an elected officer of the PBA, please feel free to get in touch and/or see rules 4 and 15 of our constitution.

Please note:


Any three voting Members* may nominate candidates whose membership qualifies them as Members for election as President, Vice President and Secretary.


Any two voting Members may nominate candidates whose membership qualifies them for election as Elected Officers of Council to fill vacancies in the Trainer, Trainee Trainer, Elder/Retired Trainer and Specialist Practitioner categories. Candidates will need to give their permission for nomination.


*Rule 8c states: "Elders, Trainers, Trainee Trainers, Retired Trainers and Specialist Practitioner members will each have one vote on any motion put at a General Meeting or postal ballot of the Association. No other type of member will have a right to vote"

Immediately after the AGM, we plan to hold a General Meeting entitled 'Talking PBs' and a selection of topics for discussion will be on offer. If you would like to suggest or offer to facilitate a discussion, please let me know - we plan to open Zoom Rooms for group discussion and then come together to provide feedback to the whole group.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it on the 10th June 2021 and receiving nominations for our Council before then.


Warmest wishes,
Sally Ann

Sally Ann Hart
Secretary | Protective Behaviours Association
T: +44(0)7791 233303