Hi There,
Not sure how many of you watch morning TV, but wanted to let you know that Sharon Evans from Values Versus Violence/Dot Com was on this morning in response to the news story about domestic violence against parents by children.
As some of you may be aware, I met Sharon earlier this year at the Hope for the Hurt conference and have been consulting with her regularly since then with a view to developing resources to incoporate PB consistent messages. And this morning Sharon was able to mention that the Protective Behaviours process underpins the work the DotCom Children's Fund does as 'We all have a right to feel safe all the time' and therefore other people have a right to feel safe with us. Sharon also spoke about feelings being feelings whereas behaviour is a choice with effects.
If some of you set your recorder to capture Breakfast TV the article was on at 8.10am.
And if you want to find out more about the resources being developed to support families, children and teachers, please visit
We're not quite there yet in achieving PB consistency, although moving closer everyday and to me feels like being able to quite literally 'join the Dots'.
Thank you so much to all the PBPeople out there who continue to help with this works so we can help more people find out about the PB process and find ways to keep themselves and others feeling safe.
To borrow the words of both Di Margetts and Donna Fortin,
Yours in safety and adventures and for a safer world
Sally Ann